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September 2023

August 2023

    SCHA Out and About Vol. 1

    August 23, 2023
    In this new series, SCHA staff members share highlights from their recent visits to our member hospitals.

July 2023

June 2023

May 2023

    Transforming the Healthcare Workforce Experience

    May 17, 2023
    The SCHA Foundation has a new grant that will fund efforts to identify, test and foster adoption of fundamental workplace culture changes aimed at realigning the value proposition, improving worker well-being and engagement, and strengthening retention.

    Guidance on the End of Continuous Enrollment for Medicaid in SC

    May 10, 2023
    South Carolina hospitals have a unique opportunity to provide education to enrollment provisions in person and to make patients aware of resources available to them

April 2023

    SCHA Aims to Support Health Workforce by Transforming Health Workplace

    April 19, 2023
    A $1.8 million grant from The Duke Endowment to the SCHA Foundation will fund efforts to identify, test and foster adoption of fundamental workplace culture changes aimed at realigning the value proposition, improving job fulfillment, increasing retention, and restructuring the workforce experience.

    From Volunteer to MD

    April 18, 2023
    How a former volunteer at Newberry Memorial is on her way to becoming a doctor.

    Governor McMaster Makes April SC Healthcare Decisions Month

    April 5, 2023
    During the month of April all healthcare workers and the public are encouraged to focus on advance care planning regarding your healthcare choices should there be a time when you cannot speak for yourself.

March 2023

February 2023

January 2023

December 2022