- Press Releases
- Stories
April 2022

Adidas and SCHA Launch Month-Long Retail Partnership to Celebrate SC Healthcare Workforce
April 27, 2022
From May 1 – May 31, all hospital employees in South Carolina are invited to visit the adidas Employee Store for special access to 50% off the latest Adidas gear.

April 2022 Is South Carolina Health Care Decisions Month
April 6, 2022
Although most people recognize the importance of ACP, very few have taken the steps to communicate and document their future health care wishes.
March 2022
SCHA Recognizes Zero Harm Winners During Patient Safety Week
March 16, 2022
The program was launched in 2014 to prevent medical errors by recognizing hospitals that could demonstrate at least 12 consecutive months without a harm event in specific categories. In 2021, 58 hospitals, representing two-thirds of SCHA members, won at least one award.

March Proclaimed Patient Safety Month by Governor McMaster
March 9, 2022
“South Carolina hospitals have adopted new approaches towards improving quality of care and are now national models for how to become more highly reliable,” according to the proclamation.

It’s Not If, But When: Cybersecurity Tips from SCHA’s John Williams
March 2, 2022
John Williams is SCHA’s Director of Disaster Preparedness and an experienced leader in hospital security and facility management. Feel free to send him your cybersecurity questions at jwilliams@scha.org.
February 2022

MUSC Health Charleston Wins SCHA 2022 Capstone Award
February 16, 2022
The hospital was selected for its extraordinary and comprehensive commitment to quality of care, developing a healthy workforce and improving community health

Red Cross Declares National Blood Crisis
February 7, 2022
SCHA echoes the national organizations message to give blood if you can.
December 2021

SC ETV Documentary Celebrating SCHA Centennial to Premiere December 16
December 10, 2021
The documentary will premiere on the SCETV channel on Thursday, December 16 at 9 p.m., and will re-run on Sunday, December 19 at 6 p.m. It will also be shown on the South Carolina Channel on Monday, December 27 at 8 p.m., and on the ETV World Channel on Tuesday, December 28 at noon.
November 2021

SC Hospitals Earn More Zero Harm Awards As COVID-19 Pandemic Continues
November 10, 2021
Despite the challenges of a global pandemic, which continues to put stress on staffing and equipment, South Carolina hospitals continue to rise to the challenge of putting patient safety first.

Annie Trout Named 2021 Drive to Zero Harm Leadership Award Winner
November 10, 2021
This statewide recognition is awarded annually by SCHA to a South Carolina hospital leader who advances the principles of high reliability to eliminate harm and improve health outcomes.

What is the Future of COVID-19?
November 3, 2021
Despite some fundamental uncertainty, many organizations and researchers have been attempting to project what the weeks and months ahead might look like. And they believe COVID-19 will remain a part of our lives.
September 2021

New Faces Join HAPAC Board
September 30, 2021
HAPAC works to elect candidates committed to a better state of health for South Carolina.

Celebrating South Carolina Nursing Excellence
September 22, 2021
The 2021 Palmetto Gold Winners are true healthcare leaders in our state

SCHA's Statement on Hospital Vaccine Policy
September 1, 2021
As vaccine mandates have become a politically charged issue, we want our employees and our communities to know where the state's hospitals and health systems stand.
August 2021

A Message From A Physician Caring for COVID Patients
August 23, 2021
"Our frustration lies with those who devalue human life by spreading false information, as well as those who treat those affected by this disease as a number not worthy of our consideration."

Joint Statement Recommending COVID-19 Vaccination of All Pregnant Women in South Carolina
August 12, 2021
There is now a strong body of evidence that women during and after pregnancy are at much greater risk for more severe illness due to COVID-19 than other people in their age group and are more likely to have major pregnancy complications.
July 2021

What’s Concerning About the Delta Variant?
July 14, 2021
MUSC's Dr. Lacey MenkinSmith explains why the delta variant of COVID-19 is worrisome for South Carolina.
June 2021

The 2021 Zero Harm Awards Application Portal is Now Open
June 17, 2021
SCHA is pleased to announce that the application portal for the Drive to Zero Harm Leadership Award, the Zero Harm Clinical Awards, and the Drive to Zero Suicide Award, is now open!

A Series of Hope – Part One: Cancer
June 16, 2021
A Series of Hope is a video series sponsored by the SCHA Foundation and St. Mark United Methodist Church of Taylors, SC that seeks to raise awareness about the health conditions that disparately impact Black communities.