The SC Society of Healthcare Supply Chain
The purpose of the South Carolina Society of Healthcare Supply Chain (SCSHSC) is to support those who lead, educate, and promote the healthcare resource and supply chain profession. SCSCSC provides networking opportunities, promotes and facilitates communication between partners and members, delivers education opportunities, and promotes the achievements of members. SCSHSC is affiliated nationally with AHRMM.
Join SCSHSC today!
Malcolm Graham, Prisma Health
Immediate Past President
Doug Robertson, Roper St. Francis
Cory Turner, Tecsys
Tyler Beasley, Carolina Pines
Michael Cook, MUSC Health Midlands Division
Vendor at Large
Michael Barnette, Johnson & Johnson
Chapter Liaison
Paulette Simmons, AnMed Health
Kim Wooten
Related Pages
- SC Chapter of American Society of Healthcare Risk Management & Healthcare Quality (SCASHRM+AHQ)
- SC Healthcare Human Resources Association (SCHHRA)
- SC Organization of Nurse Leaders (SCONL)
- SC Society for Hospital Engineers (SCSHE)
- SC Society for Hospital Fund Development
- SC Society of Healthcare Supply Chain (SCSHSC)