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May 29, 2024

Advocacy Wins in 2024 for SC Hospitals

While there was plenty of end-of-session turmoil in the State House this year, including a last-minute blockade of the major DHEC restructuring bill, S.915 (Peeler), SCHA is happy to say that many of the pieces of legislation we advocated for are on the way (or already signed) by Governor McMaster.

Those include:

  • H.5458 DHEC – JR to Approve Regulation Document No. 5264 Regulations 61-91 | Standards for Licensing Ambulatory Surgical Facilities
  • H.5459 DHEC – JR to Approve Regulation Document No. 5265 Regulations 61-16 | Minimum Standards for Licensing Hospitals and Institutional General Infirmaries
  • H.5183 (MM Smith) Certified Medical Assistants and Unlicensed Assistive Personnel
  • S.558 (Verdin) TB Testing and Admissions to Nursing Homes
  • S.858 (Davis) Acute Hospital Care at Home

Two bills we also opposed, one on mandatory itemized billing (H.4622 (Sessions) and another on medical freedom and vaccines (S.975 (Martin), will not pass this session. SCHA will be releasing a full rundown of the legislative session later in June.

In the meantime, we are still encouraging all South Carolina hospital employees to make their voices heard on the Enactment of the Safety from Violence for Healthcare Employees (SAVE) Act. Learn more about this effort, including information on how to contact your members of Congress, here.