SC Healthcare Supply Chain (SCSHSC) Conference & Vendor Show
Full conference agenda available here. Vendor packet available here.
Join us for the SC Society of Healthcare Supply Chain Conference & Vendor show to be held on May 29th – May 31st at the Hilton Myrtle Beach Resort, Kingston Plantation, located at 10000 Beach Club Resort, Mrytle Beach, SC 29572! Conference topics include preparing for the supply chain of the future, White House directives regarding disruption & stability, a moderated session on implications for supply chain management for nurses & patient care featuring USC School of Nursing Dean Jeanette Andrews & SCHA President Thornton Kirby, a hands on learning lab, and an AHRMM State of the Union Update by the new Executive Director of AHRMM, Mike Schiller. We also have our vendor show & reverse auction where the suppliers go to the providers.
Full conference agenda available here. Vendor packet available here.