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SC Behavioral Health Master Plan

In January 2022, Governor Henry McMaster directed the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS) to “initiate an immediate review of our State’s behavioral health funding and delivery system.”

SCDHHS subsequently engaged CaroNova to assist with the plan’s development and coordinate a SC Master Plan Advisory Committee.  The plan will be available in early 2025. The plan evaluates the layers of the behavioral health continuum — from outpatient and community-based preventative services to acute care inpatient needs — and provides recommendations for building an improved system of care. It is intended to serve as a dynamic, long-term planning document outlining the pragmatic roadmap to a comprehensive and effective continuum of behavioral health services across South Carolina.

Through these efforts, the State strives for a behavioral health system that not only meets the basic needs of patients in the state but also serves as a national model for excellence in the provision of behavioral health services. The plan’s recommendations are extensive and are categorized in six areas: acute inpatient care, crisis care continuum, outpatient facility-based services, residential treatment, community-based treatment, and prevention services.  

This guide provides resources for hospitals to partner and lead behavioral health improvement efforts in their communities. As we learn more and as the information evolves, this site will be updated. For any additional information or linkages, please contact