SCHA Releases Our Live Healthy SC County Report Cards
Although COVID-19 continues to dominate much of our work, South Carolina continues to face many other serious health challenges. Over the course of this year, SCHA identified eight selected health priorities from the extensive Live Healthy SC statewide health improvement plan and asked hospitals to take an even more active role in collaborating with partners to improve health within their communities and within the state. We knew our hospitals, partners and communities could not tackle these challenges alone. To truly make a difference in health, we all need to come together and leverage the power of local leadership and evidence-based best practices to make a collective impact. To advance that goal, SCHA undertook a coordinated, focused campaign to tackle eight health priorities by developing goals and strategies for each priority.
SCHA also wanted to evaluate the data to explore how health may vary for counties across the eight SCHA Board-approved priorities. To that end, we have created the SCHA Live Healthy SC County Report Cards to help make sense of the metrics associated with these priorities and to help engage our hospital communities in a discussion about health improvement.
The rankings are divided into five quintiles, with the color bars represent how each county compares to others in the state using the selected priorities. Although Report Card rankings often differ among organizations depending on the metrics and time periods involved, ranks are always useful for simplifying complex data and informing a county’s progress. These County Report Cards will serve as a strategic tool for SCHA to highlight strengths, identify potential challenges, and find opportunities as action plans associated with improving these key areas are developed.