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Hospital Quality Improvement Contractors

Since 2020, SCHA has partnered with the healthcare improvement company Health Services Advisory Group (HSAG) as part of a regional educational collaborative under the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) Hospital Quality Improvement Contactors (HQIC) program. Designed to prevent unnecessary re-hospitalizations, healthcare associated infections, and other adverse events that occur within hospitals, the program aims to help providers learn new solutions and explore strategies as a team to improve patient care.

The 21 SCHA/HSAG hospitals in South Carolina have been part of the larger collaborative meeting reduction goals on a host of key metrics ranging from surgical site infections and catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) to adverse drug events and pressure ulcers. SCHA’s unique partnership with HSAG gives participating South Carolina hospitals access to healthcare experts and resources, as well as valuable state and national benchmarking data.

The HQIC program provides customized, data-driven quality improvement assistance to meet the specific needs of small, rural, and critical access hospitals; those serving vulnerable populations; and hospitals facing quality improvement challenges.  For more information about the SCHA/HSAG HQIC, please contact Beth Morgan at