SC DAODAS Care and Resources
The South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS) is the state governmental agency responsible for making sure South Carolinians have access to quality services related to substance use and addictions. DAODAS serves as a guide for those seeking prevention, treatment, and recovery services.
DAODAS helps provide direct services for the general public and high-risk groups by working with its local provider network – 31 county alcohol and drug abuse authorities – to deliver the majority of services to people living in all 46 counties of the state. DAODAS also works with a large number of public and private service providers to address substance use disorders throughout the state, including 28 opioid treatment programs, 12 recovery community organizations, eight hospitals, five state agencies, four universities, and over 100 community distributors of antidote naloxone.
To access SC DAODAS resources:
- Visit the DAODAS website here or contact DAODAS directly at (803) 896-5555,
- Check out the DAODAS Treatment Providers across the state.
Additional Resources:
- Find information related to opioid overdose prevention here.
- Anyone experiencing substance use issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, can call the 24/7 support line at 1-844-SC-HOPES.
Related Pages
- SC Behavioral Health Master Plan
- Emergency Psychiatry Assessment, Treatment, and Healing (EmPATH)
- Alternative Transportation
- Buprenorphine Access
- SC DAODAS Care and Resources
- SC DMH Care and Resources
- Provider Warm Line
- The CaroNova Youth Integrated Care Model
- Free Narcan for Hospital EDs
- Pathways to Hospitalization for Mentally Ill Persons in South Carolina
- Expanding the Behavioral Health Workforce
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- National Alliance on Mental Illness SC (NAMI SC) Help Line
- SC Opioid Recovery Fund
- Postpartum Mental Health