It’s that time of year again when we celebrate the nation’s hospitals and health systems and the dedicated nurses who provide lifesaving care. National Hospital Week runs May 12 – 18 while National Nurses Week kicks things off a week earlier, running from May 6 – 12.
This year, SCHA is using this celebration as an opportunity to highlight a growing problem in our members’ facilities–workplace violence. Nurses and other frontline caregivers are often subjected to abusive and even violent behavior at the hands of people they’re trying to help. SCHA is releasing a new report from our Antum Risk partnership which shows that two-thirds of workplace violence
incidents at hospitals involve nurses or nursing staff.
Nationwide healthcare workers are five times more likely to experience workplace violence than any other profession, accounting for 76 percent of all nonfatal workplace injuries due to violence in 2020. Hospitals are working to harden facilities, enhance security, and increase reporting of incidents, but we need the public’s help. We need to create greater awareness of the impact abusive behavior can have on worker burnout, healthcare costs, and the quality of patient care.
In addition to this focus, we also want to provide some special offers for our healthcare workers during National Nurses Week and National Hospital Week, including discounts with local minor league baseball teams! See full details below.